Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Holy Wow! I'm so excited to be co-hosting the Tattler Thursday Blog & Social Network Hop among the likes of these awesome bloggers! Anyhow, be sure and link up your blog and your Facebook, Twitter and Bloglovin below. Hopefully, I've done everything right and it all works! SMOOCHYDOODLES and Thanks for hoppin!

Hiya Snappers! Welcome back to the 14th week of the Tattler Thursday Blog and Social Network Hop!

It's time to tattle and hop!

It's a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! We love funny kid stories and we want to hear yours!

Just leave a comment with your story, post not required! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment  with your story/tattle, follow your Hostesses and Co-Hostesses, visit and discover other blogs, and have fun!

Remember the easiest way to get a follow back is to like/follow other pages and leave a comment! So hop around, tell your friends and share, share, share! This is a hop designed for you to have fun and share! Happy Tattling!

about the Blog Hop HERE!

The Rules are:
1- Follow Your Host and Co-Hostesses
2- Grab the button and display it on your blog or hop page/section
3- Leave a comment with a funny, wacky, or gross kid story/tattle

*Be Sure to Hop over to other blogs and visit/network and share the Hop

*Have fun Hopping! (and come back next week!)

Your Hostesses
The Wild and Wonderful World of GingerssnapsComfytown Chronicles
The Co-Hostesses
I'm No Hum Drum Mum  
   Complete Bliss Blog

***If you are interested in co-hosting the blog hop or would like more information, you can reach us at***

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, I'm tattling on The Girl today.. She's 20 now, but I'm gonna go way back to when she was 5. This is when I discovered that my daughter was a food hoarder.

I was making her bed one morning, and found a slice of Kraft cheese (wrapper still intact) under her pillow. Apparently, she had snuck into the kitchen the night before, snagged it from the fridge and hidden it.. ya know, just in case she got hungry during the night.
Over the years, the food hoarding continued.. I found boxes of cereal, bags of chips, empty cookie packages, etc. under the bed, in the closet, or anywhere else she could stuff these stolen snacks.

However, my favorite find was when she was about 12. I was looking for a pair of scissors, and decided to check her desk drawers. When I opened up the top drawer, I found a plate with peanut butter smeared across it, topped with mini chocolate chips and sprinkled with SUGAR.
There was a spoon stuck in the center of this mess, and it was obviously she'd been eating it off and on for a day or so. Ewwwwwwwww!

Naturally, I chucked that shit in the trash.
The Girl has always been skinny as a rail, and food was always available to her. I think it was just the act of sneaking the food-- it made her feel like she was getting away with something.

How we were never invaded by bugs is beyond me.

She's living on her own now, and while I've yet to visit her digs, I'm curious if there are crackers and cookies stashed beneath the bed....
Or plates of pudding stashed next to her couch.

I'll let you know when I visit ;-)