few days ago I was asked what friendship means to me:
In a nutshell it means you put up with my
crazy and I’ll put up with yours.
do have a few musts-haves because I'm me -
Loyalty - this sounds
like an easy one. It isn’t. If you’re my friend you back me up regardless
of the circumstance. You can totally
tell me later that I acted like a
complete asshole. (I probably was) Talking smack about me, listening to others
talk smack about me, and spreading aforementioned smack is also a big bad
no-no. In regards to my smack, keep your
face-hole closed. Standing up for my stupid ass when others are
talking the smack will definitely get you bonus points in the friendship arena.
You may not fuck, date, flirt, or otherwise engage in physical contact with my
boyfriend, husband, date, etc…
Again…seems easy, right? It
isn’t. My almost 45 years on the planet
have shown me that some many bitches who pretend to be your friend will
damn sure play mind games – just for sport.
Cum guzzling, bottom feeding, ass munching, fake bitches can easily
march the fuck around waving the friendship banner high while trying to figure
out how to stab you in the taint with it on the down low. If say you are loyal to me, be that. You won’t need to take a bullet for me
(maybe) but if I call your ass at 3am because a spider has me trapped in the
bathroom you had best come up with something.
Responsibility – not for your
family, duh – do that shit on your own time.
I require a responsible friend who doesn’t let me get lost, lose stuff,
fall asleep on the beach and fry myself like bacon, leave with a complete
stranger, eat too much, or drink too much.
There is an exaception to these rules; If any of
the aforementioned shit ends up happening despite your Olympic babysitting
skills? You’re in charge of making it
all better. Yes, I require a damn
babysitter. That’s exactly what I’m
saying. I lose money, things, people, and brain cells. I do
okay on my own because I have to, but if you’re in the picture you will damn
sure assist my sorry ass with attempting
to behave normally. Trust me; this is
for your benefit too. When I say “Hey,
let’s drive to Tennessee for White Castles” at 6pm on a Tuesday night, you have
to talk to me down or you won’t be making it to work on Wednesday.
– I will fuck with you until the day you die.
Deal with it. The more I fuck
with you, the more I love you. I can’t be friends with a pussy-assed
lollygagger who doesn’t get the joke. I’m always going to go for the joke. It’s what I do. Shut up and deal. If you take yourself too seriously chances
are I won’t deal with you anyway. If I have to explain the joke to you, we
can’t be friends. Obviously you have to fuck with me too. Being funny is yet another prerequisite for
hanging with all this (points to self using both hands in really creepy, over-sexual
manner). I have to be able to say
anything about everything to you. You
can do the same. No filters. This is not
negotiable. Horrible, awful things may
be said and we will disagree. Doesn’t matter.
If I tell you that I like to stick dead frogs down my pants and sing
“It’s Raining Men” while I dance the tango you need to just nod your pretty
little head and go about your business.
You can think it’s fucking weird because it is. I can say some freaky shit. It just pops into my head and flows right out
my mouth. Mostly I say it just to freak
you out – DEAL. Open & honest or you’re an acquaintance. End of story.
ability to drink massive amounts of alcohol without being a douche – this is
probably the most important must-have for being my friend. You cannot be a falling-down, puking,
obnoxious, drunk. You cannot tell me you
love me, drool, and yell bizarre offerings at the dude next to us in the bar. You cannot try and fix me up with your
blitzed version of the man of my dreams, or get all involved with the people
screaming at the sports on the television. You cannot get all whore-y at the
bar and start jamming your tongue down the face-holes of unsuspecting men
(unless it has been previously discussed).
If there is dancing - falling down on the dance floor, near the dance
floor, or while dancing at your chair is a “fuck no” unless you approve of me
laughing, taking photos, and posting them on Facebook. If we are drunk at my home you are not allowed
to break my stuff or get puke everywhere unless you are going to pay have that
shit fixed. I will not be cooking for you
or play hostess. We are there to
drink. We will drink. If we are drunk at your home do not expect me
to accomplish things. Don’t ask me to
come over and do crafts while we drink or bake shit. Ummmm, no.
My sorry ass can watch a movie, chat, sleep, or eat stuff (that is
pre-made, you made, or has been ordered & delivered) whilst guzzling vodka. No other activities will be tolerated. I cannot be trusted to take care of myself so
you are not to get drunk and act a fool.
That’s my job.
friend must-haves are important. Equally
important in a friendship with me is trust.
Trust is interwoven into the 4 qualities. You can’t be loyal without
it. I have to trust you to be
responsible. Being open & honest and
having thick skin requires trust and lastly, it is essential to have a mutual
trust when you’re completely blotto on the alcohol. I must be able to trust that we are like Vegas
- What happens with us, stays with us.
relationships regardless of type require communication, and effort from both
sides. Friendships aren’t easy. Sometimes they require adult stuff that blows
hobo sack. When done correctly (not the
hobo blowing) they rock. It took me
getting totally fucked over a gazillion times before I found healthy
friendships (people who would put up with my shit). I don’t have many. The friends I have are close. They have different backgrounds, marital
status, income levels, and social standings.
I don’t limit who I’m friends with.
When I find a good un’ I don’t let them go.

Love this!
"If I tell you that I like to stick dead frogs down my pants and sing “It’s Raining Men” while I dance the tango you need to just nod your pretty little head and go about your business. You can think it’s fucking weird because it is. I can say some freaky shit. It just pops into my head and flows right out my mouth. Mostly I say it just to freak you out – DEAL."
This made me snort!
Beautifully written, PPB!
Ummm excuse me but the WOP makes me want to bust out some 80's dance moves!! Love you baby and am glad we can be complete dicks together and never be embarrassed by our need to find an adult to babysit us.
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